Empower Your Journey

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
Cards and candle on black background
Cards and candle on black background
woman in black t-shirt and black pants lying on black yoga mat
woman in black t-shirt and black pants lying on black yoga mat

At Harmony Massage and Bodywork our Certified Professional Life Coaches offer an array of services personally tailored to your needs. Learn the skills you need for success!

Fitness Coaching

Life Coaching

Spiritual Coaching

person massaging the back of a woman
person massaging the back of a woman

Massage Therapy

Fitness and Nutrition

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men's black leggings
A statue of a black cat with a hamburger in its mouth
A statue of a black cat with a hamburger in its mouth
Health and fitness is a personal journey...

Transform your body and mind through

woman kneeling beside man
woman kneeling beside man

A lot of people think fitness is about vanity. In truth most trainers get into fitness because of health reasons. Muscle weakness leads to chronic pain and obesity. I haven't met a trainer yet who didn't get into the health and fitness industry after a personal health battle, myself included.

I knew I needed to do something about my health when I would get down in the floor to play with my kids, and I struggled to get back up. I suffered from chronic sciatica, hip and knee pain. I won't lie, the emotional trauma from my obesity was real. I hated the way I looked. I hated the way I felt. I felt old and worn out way before my time.

In that very moment I discovered a lady named Ernestine Shepard (Google her, she's amazing!) I was awestruck. I read her story and I felt like there was hope. I could take control of my health and get it all back. I could take control of time! So I found mentors, I started studying, I gave myself all the tools for success. Now, I want to share that knowledge with you.

Learn the secrets of proper nutrition.
Work out in a gym or at home.

Let me help you

  • Stay accountable and motivated.

  • Identify barriers and keep your personal goals on point.

  • Craft a fitness program that actually works for YOU.

  • Learn how to make healthy food choices, break down macros, and conquer emotional eating habits.

  • Condition muscles to reduce or stop pain and increase energy.

  • Debunk common fitness and diet myths.

My first client was me...
E. Denise Epperson - NASM CPT
National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer

Transformative Spiritual Coaching

Empower yourself to discover your higher self and align with the universe's energy with our private online sessions.

three person looking stars and milky way
three person looking stars and milky way
Tarot Guidance

Utilize Jungian tarot philosophy to uncover insights and navigate your life's journey effectively.

Astrology Insights

Explore astrological influences and numerology to better understand your life's path and challenges.

Intuitive Alignment

Connect with your intuition through synchronicity overcome obstacles and achieve your personal goals.

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moon eclipse
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assorted stones
  • Book a FREE 30 minute session to discuss your future goals.

  • Bundle Spiritual Coaching Sessions with any of our other services.

  • 15, 30, 60 and 90 minute sessions available.

  • We offer a wide variety of readings for all of your needs.

  • Shadow Work available for long term clients.

  • Available in multiple session packages and bundling with other services.

  • Natal Chart + 1 Hour explanation interview+ client PDF copy.

  • Birth date and time numerology linked to tarot.

  • Available for bundling with other services.

total lunar eclipse

Don't let your dreams be just another phase!